
发布日期:2023-05-19 16:05 浏览: 99
  1.It's _________.I like it very much.
  A.a quite nice watch B.quite nice a watch
  C.a watch quite nice D.quite a nice watch
  2.─Where have you been,Tim?
  ─I've been to_________.
  A.the Henry house B.the Henry room C.the Henry's home D.Henry's
  3.─Please write down the telephone number.
  ─Sorry,but I have no _________ to write on.
  A.pen B.ink C.paper D.time
  4.─Mum,it's so hot and I'm so thirsty.
  ─Go and get some _________ in the fridge.
  A.biscuits B.chips C.cakes D.ice creams
  5.We have bought two ________ for the coming party.
  A.box of apple B.boxes of apples C.box of apples D.boxes of apple
  6.─Do you know the woman over there?
  ─Yes,She's_______ aunt?
  A.Tim and Tom B.Tim's and Tom C.Tim's and Tom D.Tim and Tom's
  7.It is over_______ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.
  A.three hours'drive B.three hour's drive C.three hours'drives D.three hours drive
  8.You looked for it twice,but you haven't found it Why not try______?
  A.three times B.a third time C.third time D.once
  9.—You can see Mr.Smith if there is a sign“_____”on the door of his shop.
  10.Where are the students?Are they in ______?
  A.the Room 406 B.Room 406 C.the 406 Room D.406 Room
  11.—Who made a phone call to me just now,David?
  —I don't know,but is was a girl's_____.
  A.sound B.singing C.noise D.voice
  12.—What do you do on the farm,Li Wei?
  —My job is to feed the animals,such as___ and____.
  A.horses;sheeps B.horse;sheep C.horse;sheeps D.horses;sheep
  13.Take more_____,and you'll be thinner and healthier.
  A.exercise B.homework C.medicine D.meals
  14.—What's your favorite traditional Chinese festival?
  A.April Fool's Day B.Father's Day C.Christmas D.the Spring Festival
  15.—What do you think of the _____The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven?
  —It sounds really wonderful.
  A.subject B.music C.book D.animals
  16.Mr Black gave us______ on how to learn English well.
  A.some advices B.many advices C.some advice D.an advice
  17.The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a _____before we order dishes in a restaurant.
  A.menu B.bill C.list D.form
  18.Tom regards Nanjing as his second ______because he has been there for over ten years.
  A.family B.room C.house D.home
  19.Come on,children.Help yourselves to some ____if you like.
  A.fish and chicken B.ducks and chicken C.fish and chickens D.duck and chickens
  20.My grandpa can't hear clearly.There's something wrong with his______.
  A.mouth B.eyes C.ears D.nose
  21.—Which is ______,the sun,the earth or the moon?
  —Of course,the sun.
  A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest
  22.Of all the sports shoes,John bought ______pair,Then he had some money for socks.
  A.a cheaper B.the most wonderful C.the least expensive D.an expensive
  23.Which is ________,an elephant or a tiger?
  A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest
  24.Of all the students,Linda draws _____ carefully.
  A.very B.much C.more D.most
  25.My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining________.
  A.badly B.hardly C.probably D.heavily
  26.When we speak to people,we should be_______.
  A.as polite as possible B.as polite as possibly C.as politely as possible D.as politely as possibly
  27.My mother is no _____ young.
  A.shorter B.longer C.little D.few
  28.When we arrived,we found the meeting room crowded with ___ students.
  A.quite a few B.only a few C.few D.a few quite
  29.The piano in the other shop will be _____,but______.
  A.cheaper;not as better B.more cheap;not as better
  C.cheaper;not as good D.more cheap;not as good
  30._____he read the book,_____he got in it.
  A.The more;the more interesting B.The less;the more interesting
  C.The more;the more interested D.More;more interested
  31.“Do you want______?”The shop assistant asked.
  A.else anything B.anything else C.other anything D.else something
  32.The night was very _____,so he had to take off his shoes______.
  A.quiet;quietly B.quite;quickly C.late;quick D.quite;quietly
  33.Today Tom goes to school earlier than_______.
  A.as usual B.usual C.usually D.ago
  34.He,our headmaster was _____ pleased with our work..
  A.fairly B.even C.much D.great
  35.We won't go to the cinema next Saturday.They won't_____.
  A.too B.also C.neither D.either
  36.Oh,deal!My kite ___ on top of the tree.
  A.flew B.stopped C.landed D.reached
  37.—I'm afraid his radio is too noisy.Will you please _____ him to turn it down?
  A.make B.let C.ask D.keep
  38.He could _____ neither French nor German.So I _____with him in English.
  A.speak;talked B.talk;told C.say;spoke D.tell;talked
  39.The teacher asked the students to stop _____and _____to her.
  A.to talk;listened B.talking;listen C.talking;listening D.to talk;listen
  40.—When shall we start?
  —Let's _____it 8:30.Is that all right?
  A.take B.make C.have D.meet
  41.My uncle ____in London.I'll _____with him for a few days.
  A.lives;stay B.stays;live C.stays;stay D.lives;live
  42.Jack likes to _____others but never writes to them.
  A.hear of B.hear about C.hear from D.hear
  43.—Will you please write a short passage on Meteor Garden and____ it to me this evening?
  —What about tomorrow?My computer doesn't work.I can't send it to you.
  A.bring B.give C.take D.e-mail
  44.His mother is ill.He is going to _____her at home.
  A.look at B.look up C.look for D.look after
  45.I ___light blue ____dark blue.
  A.like;than B.prefer;to C.prefer;than D.like;to
  46.After we___ them,we____ the last match.
  A.beat;beat B.won;beat C.beat;won D.won;won
  47.He is ____a new coat today.
  A.dressing B.putting on C.trying on D.wearing
  48.When she was young,she___ at ten in the evening and she soon____.
  A.fell asleep;went to bed B.slept;went to bed
  C.went to bed;fell asleep D.fell asleep;slept
  49.He ____the blackboard carefully but couldn't_ _____the words clearly.
  A.looked at;see B.saw;look C.looked;see D.saw;look at
  50.I_____him to go there with me.
  A.wish B.hope C.think D.let
  • 武汉理工大学成教成立的时间?

    武汉理工大学成教成立的时间?对于成教想要报考的同学,相信,肯定希望能够了解更多,今天小编简单地分享,武汉理工大学成教成立的时间? 2022年5月27日,武汉理工大学由原武汉工业大学,武汉汽车工业大学,......

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    2023年武汉理工大学成人教育招生简章,2023年新的武汉理工大学成人教育招生简章发布,大家可以参考一下,如果有报考意愿的,可以了解。 武汉理工大学位于武汉市,是一所以工学为主,理、工、经、管、艺术、......

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    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:135 2023-06-07
学院首页 招生专业 成考简章
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发布日期:2023-05-19 16:05 浏览: 99
  1.It's _________.I like it very much.
  A.a quite nice watch B.quite nice a watch
  C.a watch quite nice D.quite a nice watch
  2.─Where have you been,Tim?
  ─I've been to_________.
  A.the Henry house B.the Henry room C.the Henry's home D.Henry's
  3.─Please write down the telephone number.
  ─Sorry,but I have no _________ to write on.
  A.pen B.ink C.paper D.time
  4.─Mum,it's so hot and I'm so thirsty.
  ─Go and get some _________ in the fridge.
  A.biscuits B.chips C.cakes D.ice creams
  5.We have bought two ________ for the coming party.
  A.box of apple B.boxes of apples C.box of apples D.boxes of apple
  6.─Do you know the woman over there?
  ─Yes,She's_______ aunt?
  A.Tim and Tom B.Tim's and Tom C.Tim's and Tom D.Tim and Tom's
  7.It is over_______ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.
  A.three hours'drive B.three hour's drive C.three hours'drives D.three hours drive
  8.You looked for it twice,but you haven't found it Why not try______?
  A.three times B.a third time C.third time D.once
  9.—You can see Mr.Smith if there is a sign“_____”on the door of his shop.
  10.Where are the students?Are they in ______?
  A.the Room 406 B.Room 406 C.the 406 Room D.406 Room
  11.—Who made a phone call to me just now,David?
  —I don't know,but is was a girl's_____.
  A.sound B.singing C.noise D.voice
  12.—What do you do on the farm,Li Wei?
  —My job is to feed the animals,such as___ and____.
  A.horses;sheeps B.horse;sheep C.horse;sheeps D.horses;sheep
  13.Take more_____,and you'll be thinner and healthier.
  A.exercise B.homework C.medicine D.meals
  14.—What's your favorite traditional Chinese festival?
  A.April Fool's Day B.Father's Day C.Christmas D.the Spring Festival
  15.—What do you think of the _____The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven?
  —It sounds really wonderful.
  A.subject B.music C.book D.animals
  16.Mr Black gave us______ on how to learn English well.
  A.some advices B.many advices C.some advice D.an advice
  17.The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a _____before we order dishes in a restaurant.
  A.menu B.bill C.list D.form
  18.Tom regards Nanjing as his second ______because he has been there for over ten years.
  A.family B.room C.house D.home
  19.Come on,children.Help yourselves to some ____if you like.
  A.fish and chicken B.ducks and chicken C.fish and chickens D.duck and chickens
  20.My grandpa can't hear clearly.There's something wrong with his______.
  A.mouth B.eyes C.ears D.nose
  21.—Which is ______,the sun,the earth or the moon?
  —Of course,the sun.
  A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest
  22.Of all the sports shoes,John bought ______pair,Then he had some money for socks.
  A.a cheaper B.the most wonderful C.the least expensive D.an expensive
  23.Which is ________,an elephant or a tiger?
  A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest
  24.Of all the students,Linda draws _____ carefully.
  A.very B.much C.more D.most
  25.My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining________.
  A.badly B.hardly C.probably D.heavily
  26.When we speak to people,we should be_______.
  A.as polite as possible B.as polite as possibly C.as politely as possible D.as politely as possibly
  27.My mother is no _____ young.
  A.shorter B.longer C.little D.few
  28.When we arrived,we found the meeting room crowded with ___ students.
  A.quite a few B.only a few C.few D.a few quite
  29.The piano in the other shop will be _____,but______.
  A.cheaper;not as better B.more cheap;not as better
  C.cheaper;not as good D.more cheap;not as good
  30._____he read the book,_____he got in it.
  A.The more;the more interesting B.The less;the more interesting
  C.The more;the more interested D.More;more interested
  31.“Do you want______?”The shop assistant asked.
  A.else anything B.anything else C.other anything D.else something
  32.The night was very _____,so he had to take off his shoes______.
  A.quiet;quietly B.quite;quickly C.late;quick D.quite;quietly
  33.Today Tom goes to school earlier than_______.
  A.as usual B.usual C.usually D.ago
  34.He,our headmaster was _____ pleased with our work..
  A.fairly B.even C.much D.great
  35.We won't go to the cinema next Saturday.They won't_____.
  A.too B.also C.neither D.either
  36.Oh,deal!My kite ___ on top of the tree.
  A.flew B.stopped C.landed D.reached
  37.—I'm afraid his radio is too noisy.Will you please _____ him to turn it down?
  A.make B.let C.ask D.keep
  38.He could _____ neither French nor German.So I _____with him in English.
  A.speak;talked B.talk;told C.say;spoke D.tell;talked
  39.The teacher asked the students to stop _____and _____to her.
  A.to talk;listened B.talking;listen C.talking;listening D.to talk;listen
  40.—When shall we start?
  —Let's _____it 8:30.Is that all right?
  A.take B.make C.have D.meet
  41.My uncle ____in London.I'll _____with him for a few days.
  A.lives;stay B.stays;live C.stays;stay D.lives;live
  42.Jack likes to _____others but never writes to them.
  A.hear of B.hear about C.hear from D.hear
  43.—Will you please write a short passage on Meteor Garden and____ it to me this evening?
  —What about tomorrow?My computer doesn't work.I can't send it to you.
  A.bring B.give C.take D.e-mail
  44.His mother is ill.He is going to _____her at home.
  A.look at B.look up C.look for D.look after
  45.I ___light blue ____dark blue.
  A.like;than B.prefer;to C.prefer;than D.like;to
  46.After we___ them,we____ the last match.
  A.beat;beat B.won;beat C.beat;won D.won;won
  47.He is ____a new coat today.
  A.dressing B.putting on C.trying on D.wearing
  48.When she was young,she___ at ten in the evening and she soon____.
  A.fell asleep;went to bed B.slept;went to bed
  C.went to bed;fell asleep D.fell asleep;slept
  49.He ____the blackboard carefully but couldn't_ _____the words clearly.
  A.looked at;see B.saw;look C.looked;see D.saw;look at
  50.I_____him to go there with me.
  A.wish B.hope C.think D.let
  • 武汉理工大学成教成立的时间?

    武汉理工大学成教成立的时间?对于成教想要报考的同学,相信,肯定希望能够了解更多,今天小编简单地分享,武汉理工大学成教成立的时间? 2022年5月27日,武汉理工大学由原武汉工业大学,武汉汽车工业大学,......

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  • 武汉理工大学成考学历提升有哪些函授站?

    武汉理工大学成考学历提升有哪些函授站?今天小编简单地分享一下,函授站是自学考试报考的站点,详情如下。 武汉理工大学是教育部直属全国重点大学,是首批列入国家211工程和双一流建设高校,是教育部和交通运输......

    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:81 2023-07-02
  • 武汉理工大学学习平台实践课开始查重!

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    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:100 2023-06-27
  • 湖北成考院校中的哪些理工院校?武汉理工大学成考怎么报名?

    湖北成考院校中哪些理工院校?武汉理工大学好吗?今天小编简单地介绍一下,武汉理工大学怎么样?详情如下: 湖北成考院校中哪些理工院校?有湖北理工学院,武汉理工大学,荆楚理工学院。 武汉理工大学好吗? 1、......

    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:146 2023-06-27
  • 2023年武汉理工大学成人高等教育(成人高考函授)报名招生简章

    2023年武汉理工大学成人教育招生简章,2023年新的武汉理工大学成人教育招生简章发布,大家可以参考一下,如果有报考意愿的,可以了解。 武汉理工大学位于武汉市,是一所以工学为主,理、工、经、管、艺术、......

    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:169 2023-06-07
  • 拿到成教武汉理工大学的学位证有多不容易!

    武汉理工大学的成教学位证,并不是一件容易的事情,因为需要通过学位英语以及学位课程,详情如下: 学历改革怎么改?每个环节的难度都大大提高!! 武汉理工大学拿学位证的要求也猝不及防的改了!入学时要求三门学......

    武汉理工大学成教学姐 浏览:135 2023-06-07

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